Along with Governor Hickenlooper, the Gates Family Foundation, and the El Pomar Foundation, the Telluride Foundation is co-hosting a retreat for Colorado foundation leadership. The goal of the “Colorado Water Issues & Solutions” retreat, to be held February 17-19, 2016 at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, is to engage foundation leaders on how they might begin to learn about state water issues and take a more proactive approach in helping to protect and manage water resources.
At this conference, the sponsoring organizations hope educate and engage the Colorado foundation leaders on the interconnectedness of water and foundation work. Foundations, and water experts will join together, learning and discussing how each of our organizations can play an important role in helping to protect and manage this vital resource so as to keep our state prosperous.
Water touches everything we love about Colorado, and no single issue more directly impacts Colorado’s future than our ability to successfully manage our life-giving water. As our state population is predicted to double by 2050, and our state’s economy, and agriculture, and tourism industries continue to grow, how we manage our water supplies so that Colorado continues to be a place we want to live, work, visit, and play is a conversation that needs to begin now.