Your philanthropy partner. The Telluride Foundation is a true partner in philanthropy for our region. We help donors maximize the impact of their giving by ensuring solid financial management and offering professional assistance. Whether you need help clarifying how or where to make an impact, information on specific organizations, or technical help structuring your giving, we are here to help you achieve your charitable goals. Thank you for taking an active role in creating and sustaining a vibrant and healthy Telluride community.

How Does it Work?
Each individual, family, or organization we work with has unique charitable interests and unique financial circumstances. We help you make the most of both, so you receive the greatest return on your philanthropic investment.
Giving through the Telluride Foundation is a simple way for you to make a difference in our community now or leave a lasting legacy for the Telluride region in perpetuity. The Telluride Foundation is your professional source for philanthropy.
Our primary impact comes from unrestricted donations that are directed by our board of directors to wherever the needs and impact are greatest.
We offer you a full menu of planned giving options to establish your restricted fund or your unrestricted gift. You can create a fund in honor of your family, someone you love or to celebrate a special event. You can direct your gift broadly or narrowly to issues you care about.
To learn more about supporting the Foundation’s work please visit our Donor Resource page.
And to read our latest newsletter, click HERE!
If it is more appropriate for you to give of your time, there are many ways you can help in our community. Most of our nonprofits have a need for volunteers throughout the year. Whether it’s helping a disabled athlete learn to ski, manning a domestic violence hotline, or becoming a mentor to a young entrepreneur there is a volunteer opportunity for everyone. If you would like to talk with someone about finding the perfect opportunity for you please contact Elaine Demas at