Every year, Telluride Foundation hosts Telluride Gives, a day of community crowdfunding. Telluride Gives is a collaborative fundraising opportunity for all non-profits in the region. This year we will be combining our event with “Colorado Gives Day” a state wide initiative, on December 10th.
Although the platform will be different this year, the Telluride Foundation will continue to promote the event and support all of our regional non profits.
During this day of “crowd-rise” giving, the Foundation, along with every participating nonprofit, asks full and part-time residents, as well as every visitor of the region, to contribute to their favorite nonprofit. This is an opportunity for everyone who cares about the Telluride region to give locally and collectively to the community.
Each participating nonprofit has the opportunity to post their own unique story on the Colorado Gives platform. Donors are invited to select which organization(s) they wish to fund and what amount(s) to contribute. Donors may give to multiple nonprofits or one single cause.
IMPORTANT CHANGE: Non profits wishing to participate in this year’s Telluride Gives must register with Colorado Gives by August 30th. Click HERE to register.

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