Telluride Venture Accelerator Announces the Telluride Peloton

  • Published
  • On May 12, 2015
Telluride Peloton logo

Telluride, Colo. (May 11, 2015):  The Telluride Venture Accelerator (TVA) in collaboration with UpGlobal and the Telluride Foundation.


Telluride Peloton

From May 20-25th, there will be a gathering of entrepreneurs from across the nation here in Telluride for an event dubbed as “The Peloton – Connecting through adventure.” One of our recent entrepreneurial recruits to the valley who runs Startup Weekend started by inviting his personal network to come visit and based on such a positive response, it quickly evolved into something a bit more intentional with some facilitated workshops and sessions that will be complementary to the local startup efforts here that TVA and the Foundation have been supporting. As you know, we continue to establish Telluride as a great place to start and grow a business for entrepreneurs. Most of the folks attending are founders and grassroots community leaders in their respective startup communities. The group plans on catching a number of Mountain Film flix, and there are a number of coordinated activities and workshops.



If you are in town on Sunday, May 24th at 1:00pm we will be holding an open discussion on, “Building the Telluride Startup Ecosystem.” Please click this link to learn more and register for this event.


The Telluride Venture Accelerator (TVA), a program of the Telluride Foundation (a 501(c)(3) community foundation), invests human and financial capital in innovative enterprises with the aim of building and strengthening the entrepreneurial community in the Telluride region to create a self-sustaining entrepreneurial ecosystem bringing innovation, jobs, ideas and a renewed dynamism.