At the center of any effective and impactful organization is the Board of Directors. The Telluride Foundation is lucky to have an extraordinary group of individuals that serve on the Board. The board members are bound and unified by their efforts to help and improved the communities that we serve and a love of place. Their leadership allows the Foundation to take on hard issues, think creatively and long-term, and demand results.
The Foundation board and staff will miss the leadership of Joan May; the December meeting was her last meeting as the San Miguel County Commissioner representative on the Board. Joan, who served 10 years on the Foundation Board also served three four-year terms as Commissioner, will be replaced by Commissioner Kris Holstrom on the Foundation Board.
The recent bi-annual Board meeting was focused on reviewing and approving the Community Grants recommendations, the annual budget, and a Program Related Investment Policy. In addition, it reviewed the status of Foundation initiatives, regional capital projects and a “Capital Readiness Assessment,” and Community Perception Survey results. The board discussed the upcoming effort to refresh the Foundation’s Strategic Plan and develop enterprise outcomes, as well as suggested that the board have a future discussion on its role in limited advocacy efforts.